Call of Juarez makes an inspired design decision, which impacts on the game in such a hugely positive way that I cant work out whether its creators are actually geniuses in terms of understanding gaming psychology or just got incredibly lucky. The case for the former is, pretty much, how good it is and how it makes the game better in just about every way. The case for the latter is how rough and awkward many other sections can be. I suspect it may be a little of both - Call of Juarez is a maximalist game which lobs pretty much every idea it can think of at the wall and sees what works. That its not incoherent in the slightest is one of its greatest assets and a direct consequence of its Inspired Design Decision.
Call of Juarez is a first-person action game with a western setting, from Techland who youll probably know - for better or for worse - from great-white-hope/great-white-elephant Chrome. And its inspired design decision is to have two characters with hugely different abilities, then alternate levels between controlling one and controlling the other
Of all the cowboy games in the last few years, Call of Juarez is the one which most feels like it has a soul. Impassioned and imaginative, its velocity of invention can make you smile through any flaws. Its a game which you feel someone actually cared about making. We dont see nearly enough of those.
System requirements
Windows 2000/XP
2.2 GHz Pentium 4/Athlon 2400+
512 MB RAM
GeForce 6600/Radeon 9800
DirectX 9 sound card
700 MB HDD
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