Play Age of Empires Online

Microsoft now allows you to play Age of Empires Free Online Game. Age of Empires is one of the largest-selling strategy games have sold over 19 million units all over the world and has established real time strategy (RTS) games for PC.
Gambling now invite gamers to create their life increasing online world which is shared with some friends around the world via Games for Windows LIVE, an online gaming system related to Xbox LIVE. Anybody with a LIVE account can view their friends online and sending and receiving voice messages, text messages, and game invites. In Age of Empires Online, players can using the Service for invite friends for a collaborative quest or a friendly competition in commercial property rink, and arms, and tour the capitals of the other.
Connect with your Windows Live ID gamertag / get registered with Connect, please complete the brief questionnaire and you will be contacted via email if you are selected to participate in the beta.
Age of Empires Online will be released solely on Games for Windows - LIVE in 2011 and is currently in closed beta AOE III is one of the best games I ever played .
Play Age of Empires Online Free
Age of Empires (AOE) fans can now participate in the closed beta to play Age of Empires games online for free. What is peculiar in the online edition is that you can Get here and play AOE anywhere and collaborative multiplayer games quests and commercial combined with the establishment empire familiar and resource management.Gambling now invite gamers to create their life increasing online world which is shared with some friends around the world via Games for Windows LIVE, an online gaming system related to Xbox LIVE. Anybody with a LIVE account can view their friends online and sending and receiving voice messages, text messages, and game invites. In Age of Empires Online, players can using the Service for invite friends for a collaborative quest or a friendly competition in commercial property rink, and arms, and tour the capitals of the other.
Extract of AOE online
How to play AOE Online?
To join the Beta, you require a gamertag that connects to Xbox LIVE and Games for Windows LIVE client. If you already have an account Games for Windows - LIVE gamertag or Xbox LIVE Gamertag with a Silver or Gold account, you can simply get last version of the Games for Windows - LIVE client. If you do not have a gamertag, you can create one online.get the client or create a gamertag
How To Install AoE Online
Recommended System Requirements :
- A Windows Experience Index score of 3.0 or higher
- At least 2 gigahertz CPU, 128 MB video card, 3GB Hard Drive
- Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7
- 1 gigabyte (GB) total system RAM (2 GB recommended)
- Fast Internet connection to Get hereing large (500 MB–2 GB) builds
Age of Empires Online will be released solely on Games for Windows - LIVE in 2011 and is currently in closed beta AOE III is one of the best games I ever played .
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